Google Trusted German photographer Felix Steck in Sri Lanka

We are extremely delighted to welcome expert German photographer Felix Steck in Sri Lanka.

Felix Steck is to start covering hotels and resorts with his expertise and experience in photography.

While it is still a new trend with Google street view, the see inside feature of Google is very much likely to catch up soon in Sri Lanka.

There are few novice companies in Sri Lanka, who claim to be authorized partners of Google in Sri Lanka and have gone to the extent of even publishing on digital and print media. For the best of my knowledge, currently only few Google Trusted photographers are from Sri Lanka as per Google’s listing for Trusted Photographers. They are the pioneers in Google Street view and have been involved in Google related businesses such as Google local business since 2012. Many hotels and resorts in Sri Lanka are taking the advantage of Google see inside.

I hope Felix Steck and professionals of Sri Lanka if worked together could be a great strength and add more value to the local businesses in Sri Lanka.

Google Street view in Sri Lanka

The long awaited Google Street view for Sri Lanka is finally here. Google maps have been a very effective and useful tool for most Sri Lankan’s, like other developed countries we have been using the maps for various reasons from giving someone directions, finding the easiest route to a destination or checking the traffic of a particular road (Google recently added this feature which is available on android and ios).

As Google continues to make life easier, the Google see inside feature on SERPs (Search Engine Results Page) is an ideal platform for business to showcase their property whether its a hotel, resort or showroom. The Google see inside enables you to virtually go inside a property such as a hotel or resort and have a 360 degree view of the property and navigate around. Now that we even have the Google Street view, the 360 virtual tour via the See inside link is very useful for hotels & resorts where potential guests get to see the rooms and views they would be getting when they visit. Invite customers in with indoor Street View of your business on Google Search and Google Maps.

Google See Inside 98 acres resort

The pioneers of introducing 360 virtual tours and Google see inside in Sri Lanka have been on the forefront by assisting many businesses to enhance their visibility on Google Maps. Despite few small companies comprising only a couple of people which pretend to be Google in Sri Lanka.